The District Email


To: SD22_ALL_SUPPORTSTAFF (;  SD22_ALL_EMPLOYEE (; President CUPE5523 (; VTA President (; SD22_TRUSTEES (; SD22_ALL_CUSTODIAL (;

Cc:;;;;;;; (;;;;;;;;;;;; undefined (;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; okanaganwaldorfschool;  


To: All my Sisters and Brothers of CUPE 5523, VTA Counterparts, The B.C. Teachers Federation, School District .22 Administrators; and all other recipients,  


Today I am asking my employer, School District .22, to grant me a leave of absence as I am refusing to work in unsafe work conditions. Effective immediately I am leaving until I know it is safe to return. I am requesting whatever sick days, holidays and any and all other benefits which I am entitled to be used with my leave as support.

This does not just concern me, it concerns all of us, including the Children. Our Health and Safety comes first, above all else, especially the Children’s; our Children which involves two of my own.

I absolutely Love my job. I Love working with the District. I really Love all of you whom I have had the pleasure meeting and working with in the last few years. This my Friends is the very reason I have included you in this email.

I have legitimate Health and Safety concerns that no one seems to be putting any thought or consideration into or, we do, but are instructed not to speak, listen or think about. This affects not only myself but each and everyone one of you in extremely serious ways, far greater than COVID-19. I feel morally obligated to send this email and bring these matters to the attention of everyone no matter what comes of it. You are my Family.

There is an incredible amount of people beginning to think 5G technology could very well be the cause of this “virus” going around or, at the very least, they know 5G makes people sick. I decided to look into it last week. I did my absolute best to be aware, inform and educate myself of both issues; the coronavirus and 5G technology. My mind is literally blown from what I have learned in such a short period of time.

I came across this Published Scientific Journal from a highly respected professional who proved EMF’s, Wi-Fi and 5G technologies cause extremely serious Health ailments and diseases:


Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health – ScienceDirect1. Introduction. Wi-Fi (also known as WiFi or WLAN) is a wireless network involving at least one Wi-Fi antenna connected to the internet and a series of computers, laptops and/or other wireless devices communicating wirelessly with the Wi-Fi

It’s no wonder why there’s such a huge upsurge with stress, depression and other mental health issues when we have these harmful invisible rays penetrating our skulls affecting our brains:  


Right after I read these studies regarding the effects of this technology on Humans and animals my friend sends me this link titled: Former VodaFone Boss Blows Whistle on 5G:  



If the 5G whistler blower video is censored before you actually view it just Google search: “Former VodaFone Boss blows whistle on 5G”, and here’s a link that won’t delete the video:…


I heard a lot of talk with respect to the validity of what that Man said. I listened to the doctors, to Justin Trudeau, the radio and the newspaper as they spoke about the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.

In turn I thought about both everything the Science Journal and the Man in the recording are telling us. I have concluded the coronavirus and 5G cause the exact same symptoms. There is no denying this fact. Radiation poisoning from EMF’s manifest a multitude of physical and Mental ailments and diseases, apparently, just like COVID. I am now beginning to think COVID-19 and 5G are linked together.

I found a video from a couple talking about their personal experience and the realisation that their whole Family was getting very sick because they lived close to cell towers. They are very sincere people. You can watch the video here:



In accommodation for my current circumstance between my Children and myself the administrators and management in the Board Office temporarily adjusted my posting with another Custodian so I could work afternoon shifts.

They did this to allow me the time needed to sort out personal matters. This was done the exact same day I knew I had a serious Family problem. In the middle of our crisis extraordinary steps were taken to help me by ensuring I could stay employed while I dealt with my Family matter. I am Blissed by your actions. Thank you.

I got to start my first day at the Board Office. I arrived at 1:45 pm and the very first thing I noticed is, what appeared to be, a 5G tower erected not 600 yards away. I never saw it before. At this point I already know and understand the telecommunications companies are installing 5G everywhere while the public people are held under lock down.  


The tower located in Vernon sits inside the yard of Woodland Equipment along Highway 6 by the 7-11:  


It is intimidating.


You can see it clear as day from inside the Maintenance Office of School District .22:  


 I asked around and learned the tower here in Vernon suddenly popped up overnight. It went up about a month ago. As if it were some super classified secret, no one has been told, no one was publicly informed. This really encouraged me to seek more legitimate answers in an attempt to figure out exactly what is going on.

I called and emailed Woodland Equipment, the City of Vernon and the township of Lumby, the Mayor and Councillors inquiring about it, seeking validation regarding the tower, asking if it is a 5G tower or not. Not one of them responded. Pure silence. I think perhaps the City of Vernon, our mayors and Woodland Equipment signed a non-disclosure agreement with somebody. With or without their cooperation, I did manage to confirm it is in fact a 5G tower.

A few days later it’s all brought to my attention. I begin putting the pieces together. The government is doing everything within its power to censor and stop anyone and everyone from saying anything about the reality of 5G making people sick. Now I know for sure, something is not right, there is something else going on that we are not all aware of.

The government is saying they expect a second bigger wave of the coronavirus to hit us. They say it will hit a lot harder than the first. What gives them this idea? My thoughts tell me it’s because of the 5G towers currently being rolled out in every City of Canada while we are all stuck in this isolation.

I am not suggesting 5G causes the coronavirus but there is no denying 5G makes people sick. In slow silence it is killing people. The EMF’s, the frequencies, from this technology damage Human Cells and DNA.This is scientifically proven and well known. The question to answer then is why are we allowing it to be rolled out? What is the real purpose for it?

There definitely is something we are not being told. Without a doubt there is a link between 5G and the coronavirus. A large number of the public body is talking about It. They are seriously questioning what is happening only to be publicly ridiculed and slandered, being labelled, “Conspiracy Theorists” and, “tinfoil hat-wearing wing nuts”

Why are we doing this to each other? Why are people hating on our fellow Human-Beings who have done their own legitimate research? Why are we shaming the very people who have discovered something that threatens our Health, Mentally and Physically, including, possibly our lives on a global scale when they are the ones revealing the real Honest Truth?

Going back online I searched for articles, for any information about 5G towers being placed around the workplace and the effects it may have had on other people. In the United States firefighters began feeling sick, suddenly getting headaches, falling ill to neurological disorders and a whole lot more after 5G towers were installed outside their fire halls.

They banded together and demanded the towers be removed. They were successful and the towers were taken down and they recovered from their ailments. Have a look at this CBS consumer watch news report from early 2018:  


  ConsumerWatch: 5G Cellphone Towers Signal R


I can no longer deny the hidden dangers of this technology, specifically 5G.

I then find something even more disturbing. This type of technology is classified by the military as a weapon. It is used to disperse crowds of people by blasting them with invisible short wave bursts or pulses of electromagnetic frequencies otherwise known as EMF’s.

In this military demonstration video they show themselves using it on military personnel playing the role of protesters. Interesting to see them use it against actors while they hold signs reading, “Peace Not war.” Point is, EMF’s can be, and are used as a weapon:  


Considered “non-lethal” or not, a weapon is a weapon and weapons do damage. They are designed to inflict harm, pain and punishment, and kill. That is their sole purpose, nothing more, nothing less.  


Here is a department of defence document stating that the Active Denial System operates at 95 Gigahertz:


When I first saw the Active Denial System video I immediately asked myself, “If it can do that to Human-Beings with short wave bursts then what does it do to our Physical Bodies when it is running through us on a constant steady basis all day long at lower wavelengths?”

Telecommunications companies claim they plan to, “initially focus on 5G NR operation in 28 GHz and 39 GHz mmWave spectrum bands”. A lot of resources state that 5G will operate at 28 GHz, which is nowhere near the 95 GHz they use with the Active Denial System of course.

Even though Verizon is an American company, and this article does not directly apply to Canada, we are talking about the same technology being rolled out. Run on a lower wavelength or not, it is still extremely harmful to our Health over a period of time:  


Verizon, Qualcomm and Novatel Wireless collaborate to expedite trials and commercial deployment of 5G NR mmWave technology | About VerizonVerizon, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM), and Novatel Wireless, an Inseego company, today announced plans to collaborate on 5G New Radio (NR) millimeter wave (mmWave) technology development and over-the air field trials based on the 5G NR Release-15 specifications being developed by 3GPP – the global 5G

The military mounted EMF weapon on top of the truck is minuscule when held in comparison to the Vernon tower. The 5G towers placed at the fire halls were nowhere near the size and stature of the Vernon tower. They were small rooftop mounted antennas designed for close range contact such as the ones seen in this photo of the R.D.N.O:  



Even if we do not consider Wi-Fi and 5G to be a weapon ourselves, or think it may be used intentionally to inflict harm against us, we can not ignore the overwhelming evidence proving it is making people sick.

It angers me knowing we are being exposed to something this dangerous against our will. I do not Consent. I am not fearful either. The coronavirus does not stop me from living my life and coming to work. I easily take all the appropriate precautions, do my duties and disinfect everything. That’s simple. I can not, however, protect myself from, or do anything to stop the radiation emitting from that massive 5G tower let alone Wi-Fi energies entering through my body. A mask and gloves will not stop it. Hand sanitizer will not stop it. Nothing will. Not unless I build an invisible shield around myself or we shut it off. Until one or the other happens the only thing I can do right now is refuse unsafe work.

On this last night of work I observed all the routers and cameras throughout the Board Office. I took note of the models and brands. Cisco routers and Avigilon cameras all 5G capable and ready right inside the workplace. This prompted me to think about our schools and our Children; about my Children.

The same technology I am speaking of is being installed in their classrooms. From kindergarten forward they are being subjected to this technology. I had a conversation with another friend of mine. She homeschools her Children. They are not allowed to use tablets or phones. Ever. She told me to look up a Man by the name of “Barrie Trower”. He is a British Physicist & Royal Navy microwave weapons expert. Have a listen to what he has to say regarding Wi-Fi in schools:  




Finally I watched these videos and that’s it. My mind is made. I know what I now know and that’s all that matters. There is no forgetting this and moving on. I am not going to sit back and be silent about this so I ask you all:

How can we turn away and blatantly ignore this then continue to wonder why so many Children are experiencing physical and mental problems in today’s world?

How can we allow this technology in our schools?

How could we allow it in our Communities?

Our Children’s Health and Well-Being come above all else right?

How can the Ministry of Education tolerate the implementation of this technology in public schools, schools full of Children, knowing there may be even the slightest chance the radiation emitted from these devices, the invisible frequencies they project, could possibly be damaging to their physical and mental bodies including our own?

What justification does the Ministry of Education provide in requiring Children of all ages to use this technology knowing they are being subjected to these harmful EMF wavelengths?

How does the government allow the roll out of this technology if they, the elected body, legitimately care about our Health and Well-Being?

We must rethink our ways of living and re-educate ourselves. There’s absolutely no reason Children need to be using tablets, google chrome books, or any other form of wireless technology. They can very well do without it. They should be running around playing, singing, and laughing, enjoying the outdoors and spending time with their friends and their families. Not one single Human-Being let alone a kindergartener should ever be handling or subjected to this technology, not when it’s harming our physical and mental Well-Being.

We are adults. We are supposed to be the guides of our youth. We are the ones who need to take the responsibility and think about all of this as a Collective. We are failing our Children. We are failing ourselves. We need to stop and really think about this. Positive solutions are available.

Perhaps the “virus” is only another flu and the 5G is amplifying its effects. I do not know. Maybe both the virus and 5G are making people sick simultaneously. How will we ever know for sure?

We have to stop the roll out of 5G. We need to turn it off. We know it has detrimental effects on the Human Body and Mind. We need to take it all down. We built it as a Society, we never needed it before, there is no reason we can not collectively shut it off and dismantle it. This I do know.

At a senate hearing it was essentially confirmed there has not been any safety testing done on 5G:  



  “...there are no Industry backed studies…” Indeed, we truly are flying blind as far as Health and Safety is concerned. If the elected body of public officials is not going to do anything then we, the public body, must do it ourselves.

Considering the information I have provided and the danger that exists I am asking CUPE 5523 President Gray Boisvert to bring my concerns to the attention of the General Public, to the parents of our students, and I urge you all to contact CUPE National, the Ministry of Education, the government, and order the immediate shut down and dismantlement of all wireless technology in schools all across Canada.

CUPE Sisters and Brothers of Canada, as a Family member I plead with you to do your own research, to look at all available information outside the mainstream news, listen to what people have to say and think for yourselves. Educate yourselves. Listen to your Heart. Discover the truth then use your voice. Do not be silent when it comes to your own thoughts and opinions. Do not ignore your own Health and Safety. Do not turn your back on the needs of our Children. We need to take action now.

I am extending my hand to all my Sisters and Brothers inviting each and  everyone of you to Stand Together and demand that all wireless technologies be removed from public schools without any delay, without any further discussion. Following physical distancing and enhanced disinfectant guidelines this should be our second priority.

I encourage teaching staff all across Canada to stop and refuse to give anymore online instruction. Allow Families to temporarily care for themselves. Assure them we are going to positively change the structure of society, and that the first action in doing so is removing wireless technology from schools on behalf of their Children’s Health and Safety.

Parents and students must reach out to our elected officials all across the Country, call out our local politicians and tell them they have a legal responsibility to investigate the Health hazards of 5G technology and a moral obligation to remove 5G technology from our Communities without delay. Tell your school administrators, for the Health and Safety of your Children that you do not consent to your Children being exposed to Electromagnetic Frequencies. Talk to your Family members and friends who are working in the telecommunications business, share the information with them and ask them to stop and refuse to proceed with any further installation of this harmful technology. Inform telecoms employees and ask that they turn to their employers and tell them that we no longer accept 5G wireless technology in our Communities.

Do not let fear drive you into silence. Do not allow a government to instruct you to continue doing something that is destroying Humanity. You have the right to refuse. You have the right to voice yourself. We still hold the right to our Freedom of Speech. Let’s keep it. Support one another and we can make the positive changes needed in the world today.

Publicly I would like to announce that I do not Consent to either of my Children being enrolled with School District .22 or involved with the public education system in any form or manner until all wireless technology is dismantled and completely disposed of. If our public education system can not teach my Children that they can live without wireless technology then I will do it myself.  


This email is my own personal intellectual property and content and I give any and all recipients of such correspondence my absolute full Consent to share the contents of this email, in its entirety, publicly, on any forum or platform, in print or online.   


Love for All, Love Always,

Bradley Ulyn Charles Weston

Custodian School District. 22

Vernon, British Columbia



5G in Vernon:  



  As of today, April 27th 2020, all of this was installed while we have been in isolation. There will be a lot more in the next few months if we do not stop this. Look along the top of roofs, light posts and hydro poles around your neighborhood.  


End of Email


Please take a look at this article:


Governor Newsom: Please Do Not Deploy 5G / Wireless Installations in Our Schools During Quarantine!



There are millions of others Speaking Out. Together we can stop this. Do not Consent. Say No. You have the Right.