The Co-Heart Community

March 25, 2023 : Okanagan Center for Spiritual Living, Vernon, British Columbia Audio Recording. First Hour : 

  • Notice : Full Video of the February 25th and March 25th [ 2023 ] Presentations will be uploaded soon.


Introduction :


Imagine a Community where you can have everything you need to Live a Healthy, Abundant Life, provided to you for contributing only 10 to 100 Hours each year with little to no financial costs.

This is exactly what we are doing. It’s the exact Community we are in the process of Co-Creating.

Here is how we are doing it :
In 3 simple steps.
Step 1 : Declare NO Confidence in government :
Read HERE.
Step 2 : Make individual Affirmation & Oath to Live of, and care for, the Land.
Read HERE.
Step 3 : Sign and adhere to the Co-Heart Community Living Agreement.
Read HERE.

The Co-Heart Community – North Okanagan-Shuswap Collective


We are initiating Private invitations and hosting in-Person Presentations where we are seeking 10,000 WoMen and Men to become the initial Co-Creators of the Co-Heart Community.


Together, these 10,000 WoMen and Men will establish a Community Ethics Council and a Community Trust Council forming governing Bodies consisting of 6 WoMen and 6 Men per Council.


The Community Ethics Council :




The Community Ethics Council has the responsibility of Guiding the Co-Heart Community with the rule of “Do No Harm”.


The 6 governing Bodies who form the Community Ethics Council are responsible in ensuring all Agreements within the Co-Heart Community are Ethical, Lawful & Just.


The Co-Heart Trust Council :



The 6 WoMen and Men who form the Co-Heart Trust Council are responsible for managing the Funds for the initial Establishment of the Co-Heart Community and to oversee the proper distribution of those funds and the revenue generated within the Co-Heart Community as Agreed upon. All choices made must be unanimous, conscious decisions of the Council.


The initial Co-Creators are Contributing $350.oo CAD EACH, of their own Money into the start-up of the Co-Heart Community and pooling their Money together to purchase the following Properties :

60/62 Creighton Valley Rd – Creighton Valley Produce – The Farm – Purchase price: $2,500,000.oo with $2,500,000.oo for renovations and upgrades. 


Note : Creighton Valley Produce is not up for sale at this moment. This is going to be an offered Agreement to the Present owners. Other options are available should they decline.


Once purchased the additional ( 2nd year / year two / Phase two ) $2,500,000 will be used for upgrades and converting to a more ecological approach with solar power, a year round greenhouse and micro-green nursery.



Design and Construction of the Solar Passive Greenhouse is being created by Roland Peltier of Lumby.


Creighton Valley Produce will be the central hub of Lumby. We are renaming the Land, The Farm; the slogan: “A Community Growing Together.”


This Farm has 60 acres of prime local soil to grow on. We will purchase The Farm from the current owners with an Agreement in place that they will tend to farm operations for 2 years following our purchase. During this period they will help redesign The Farm for its new purpose.


The entire Farm will be converted into an organic ecosystem of any and everything possible which can be grown within our climate. During the first two years we will recondition the soil by rotating hemp crops while maintaining the existing grocery chain operations as we transition over.


The front field, which suits the title “Nature’s Share”, will be lined with a wide variety of trees twenty-five feet deep, including shrubs and wild flowers all left to grow freely. In the center of this first field will be a large pond with rolling knolls surrounded by wildflowers.


Bee Hives will follow the edge of the tree line partnered with berry bushes. The remaining sections of this first field will be filled with fruit and nut bearing trees. The field will remain open welcoming deer and other wildlife to share this space with us. Foot paths will flow through the area.


Red Border Field 1. Green Lines represent Trees. Yellow Lines represent Bee hives.
The middle field, which is sectioned off by a deer fence, will be nurtured with root vegetables, lettuces and more. Wild flowers, shrubs and trees will be part of this field’s edge as well. A large gazebo for meals and gatherings will take center stage and an impressive year round greenhouse will be placed at the area nearest the barn.The barn itself will be upgraded with pure solar power and a new building dedicated as a micro-green nursery will be built. The plan is to keep supplying large grocery chains with the current flow of produce consisting mainly of beets and potatoes. The income from this will be used to pay the Land maintenance and all operating costs. All profits will be placed into the Co-Heart Trust.Following the initial two years redesigning The Farm it will be offered to a fresh local couple to operate. They will be provided with the main house on-site to Live in, a $30,000 per year personal income and what will become known as an Unlimited Kinnecta Card.


They will be asked to operate The Farm for a period of ten years. Following their 10 years a house of their choosing valued up to $500,000 will be bought by the Co-Heart Trust and gifted in their name. In addition, this couple will receive an Unlimited Lifetime Kinnecta Card, which we will discuss in detail.

After everything has been implemented on The Farm the population extending North to Mable Lake, East to Cherryville and West past Whitevale ending at Bluenose Rd will be invited to contribute on The Farm.


Geographical Area for Lumby’s Co-Heart Community. 111 km perimeter. 739 km’s square.
Total Population in Area: 4,459
Every Woman, Child and Man within this Geographical Area will be invited to lend their hands on The Farm and contribute at their leisure. In exchange, depending on the yearly Hours contributed, each WoMan, Man and Child will be given a Kinnecta Card ranging from 10 to 100 Hours.
Based on Hours provided Contributors will have access to products and services offered by The Co-Heart Community with minimal to no financial cost. For the first annual 10 Hour contribution to The Farm individuals will be offered as much produce they require within that year.
Products and services available will increase by 5 Hour increments after the initial 10 Hour contribution.
Howard George Weston’s Property – 1666 Trinity Valley Rd – Retreat and Sweat: $1

Blue Line = creek – Red for footpath – Yellow X’s indicate Cabins and the large white area will be the sweat lodge location.
Currently this site is owned by my Stepmother and my Father’s Estate. My Step Mother and i would like the Co-Heart Community to have this site for $1 and turn this piece of Land into a healing retreat.
We will build 6 cabins all set in a semi circle around the field for $300,000 and fix the roof and plumbing inside the main house for $150,000. A foot bridge will be built crossing the creek and a sweat lodge will be constructed on the other side.
The site is to be offered to a couple or individual to operate. They will Live in the main house, be provided with an Unlimited Kinnecta Card and a house valued up to $500,000 of their choosing will be bought and placed in their name after 10 years.
Contributors with 90 Hours on The Farm will be invited to take part in 2 sweats and use the cabins 2 days and 2 nights each month.
The Operator will generate a personal income from the retreat by inviting others not holding a Kinnecta Card to join in sweats and/or retreats for a price they determine. The Operators will cover the Land maintenance and operating costs of the site.

The Salmon Trail


Lumby has a wonderful Salmon Trail flowing through the Community. We can bike and walk the wide open trail winding through trees as it follows Bessette Creek.
The Creek runs from The Farm and connects to the Salmon Trail in town which is marked by the redline. We will extend the Salmon Trail from town to The Farm property. The Co-Heart Trust will fund the project which will link The Farm with a direct line to the village.
The Sovereign Court of the Land
The WoMen and Men who have gathered together to make this vision a reality established The Sovereign – Common Law Court of the Land on November 13th, 2021. The Court has Heard two Claims and held two successful Hearings for those Claims, respectfully Known as SCLC Case No. 2021-SD22-001 and SCLC Case No. 2021-VJH-002.
The role of the Sovereign – Common Law Court is to Guide the Co-Heart Community through a Lawful resolve for any AFFIRMED WoMan or Man of the Land who may have placed a Claim upon the other.

The Court also has the responsibly of holding Public Servants, those working in government positions, accountable for their Legal actions.

Our Community Contributors are fulfilling the roles of Public Services Auditors and recording the Legal actions of government employees and Educating them with Just Laws then sharing any unjust or unLawful actions with the General Public of whom the government “employees” are supposed to SERVE.

Seniors and those with severe disabilities : WoMen and Men Age 75 up including those of any Age with severe disabilities who Live within the Co-Heart Communities Geographical Area will receive an UnLimited Kinnecta Card without having to place time at the Farm.

We will use the existing buildings and sites as indicated to initiate this vision. Having initial sites paid off with no mortgages or debts owing enables The Co-Heart Community to operate on a care and maintenance style program. We will be able to maintain our Lifestyles within our Communities without the need for any unnecessary growth or expansion.
All properties will be basic and simple in design. Built and maintained with natural materials the Co-Heart sites will be free from Wi-Fi, wireless Internet, Television, Cable or Security Systems. The few sites with internet, television and phones of will be set up with hardwired connections.
Solar Power will be the primary source of hydro for all Co-Heart sites therefore nearly eliminating hydro bills. Having minimal lighting and technological gadgets will further reduce the carbon footprint of our Community.
Eventually, without the need for expansion, money generated as a “profit” will be used to fund other Communities of like minded WoMen and Men wanting to join the Co-Heart Community. Achieved by applying the same Community setup based on the design of Contribution Hours. Through this we will overhaul Society and create the positive, Loving changes needed in the world today.
Set up on a tier style structure based on Hours of Contribution Community Members will have access to any and everything they need to Live a Happy, Healthy and Abundant, Thriving Life.
Contributing Hours on The Farm ranging from 10 – 100 Hours per year will give Contributors all their basic needs based off the tier style structure starting with food, then clothing with health opportunities designed for self healing followed by recreation desires such as entertainment and other activities.
Those Living within the designated Geographical Area will be invited to contribute Hours. They will receive what will become known as, The Kinnecta Card. The Kinnecta Card will be simple in design bearing the Contributors Name, the year and their Hours contributed.
This New Community Structure will create a situation where Contributors can still maintain a job in the general work place therefore bringing themselves an income. The money they personally bring in they will be able to use for housing, cars and maintenance of while everything else is provided to them through the Co-Heart Community in which they Live and contribute to.
People invited to participate as Operators will maintain certain Co-Heart sites. They will be required to contribute at their designated sites ranging from 4 Hours a Month to 4 Hours a Day 5 Days a week. They will be asked to Contribute for 10 years.
Operators running their own business through a Co-Heart site will be asked to contribute a percentage to the Land maintenance and operating costs. They will be free from paying rent, hydro or utility bills.
Operators receiving a $30,000 annual Co-Heart income will also be free from paying any rent, hydro or utility costs. The Land maintenance and operating costs at their sites will be paid for by the Co-Heart Trust.
Operators will be handed an Unlimited Kinnecta Card and provided with a house to Live in during their contributing years. After 10 years their Kinnecta Card will be converted into a Unlimited Lifetime Kinnecta Card and most will receive a house placed in their name.
In Conclusion :
The True objective of The Co-Heart Community Project will bring Peace, Harmony and Abundant Health back to the Earth, to the Animals and to the Women, Children and Men of the Land. This will be achieved by creating cooperative Communities that Thrive in Harmony Together.
This endeavor will be accomplished by offering everyone within certain Geographical areas the opportunity to collectively contribute as equals to their OWN Co-Heart Community. We will provide one another with the basic needs we all require to Live Happy, Healthy, and simple Lives while Living in Thriving, Abundant conditions.
We Live in Lumby and the immediate surrounding areas of in the Province of British Columbia, Canada and we see the immense potential hidden within our Community to get this project started. Lumby will be the Heart Beat of The Co-Heart Community Project. A perfect example for other Communities to follow suit and start caring for and Living in harmony with the Land.


The Co-Heart Community is a collective project for all of HuManity and we will have complete open transparency throughout our process.


2022 is the year like minded WoMan and Men come together to create a Lawful & Just Society for the Benefit of ALL.