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One Small Town Initiative




The following Commercial Properties are available for Purchase and we have ideas to include these Properties in the Co-Heart Community. In the event that we meet the right WoMen and Men who have the financial means to Purchase these Properties now, we will share the Co-Heart vision with them and invite those WoMen and Men to join the Co-Heart Community, otherwise, these are possible for us to achieve once we have the Farm established :



The Blue Ox Pub – 1643 Vernon St – The Green Rabbit: $1,400,000






We will purchase The Blue Ox Pub located at 1643 Vernon St for $1,400,000 with an additional $750,000 for Operator housing and renovations. The name will be changed to “The Green Rabbit” and all produce will come straight from The Farm.



The Green Rabbit will be presented to a single individual to operate. They will be given a $30,000 annual income and be provided with a house from the Co-Heart Community valued up to $500,000. The home will be placed in their name after 10 years of contribution and their Kinnecta Card will be upgraded to an Unlimited Lifetime Kinnecta Card.



This Community restaurant will serve healthy low cost meals. Anyone may dine here but those holding a 15 Hour or more Kinnecta Card will receive one weekly meal at no cost. The Land maintenance and other operating expenses will be paid from the revenue generated at The Green Rabbit all profits thereafter will go into the Co-Heart Trust.



The Snac Shac – 2133 Shuswap Ave: $1,500,000




The Snac Shac, located at 2133 Shuswap Ave, will be bought for $1,500,000. Up to $850,000 is to be used for renovations and expansion. A second floor with two apartments will be added. These apartments will house the new Operators of the Snac Shac.



The Operators will be given the $30,000 per year Co-Heart income along with an Unlimited Kinnecta Card. After 10 years they will both receive a house is their names, valued up to $500,000 with an Unlimited Lifetime Kinnecta Card.



At this Co-Heart location, all corporate junk foods, drinks, cigarettes and vape products currently stocked will be disposed of. Everything will be replaced with Healthy Snack alternatives sourced from Canada with priority given to British Columbia products.



After contributing 20 annual Hours on The Farm, Contributors may purchase products at cost. A smoothie and juice bar will be built into The Snac Shac.



All produce, vegetables and fruits for the smoothie/juice bar will be supplied from The Farm. Contributors can get one smoothie or juice per week at no cost.



Anyone not holding a 20 Hour or more Kinnecta Card will be charged 15% in markup and a small price for smoothies. Land maintenance and operating costs will be paid before all else and the remaining profits will go into the Co-Heart Trust.



Community Theatre – Internet Lounge – Location to be determined : $1,000,000


We will build a small 40 seat local theatre which will include a hardwired computer / internet lounge. Access to the theater will be at 80 contribution Hours for Community Contributors.



The ideal site in mind would be located at the back of the Snac Shac. If it is not possible to build at the Snac Shac site a suitable location will be found.



Possible expense for an appropriate site: $500,000 plus building of the theatre and internet lounge: $500,000.




The Theatre and Internet Lounge will have one Operator each. They will be given a Unlimited Kinnecta Card, a $30,000 annual income and a House will be placed in their name after 10 Years of Contribution valued up to $500,000.



The Internet Lounge will be built on the top floor to the theater. There will be a total of 30 internet booths. Internet connections will be hardwired and the building will be open to Contributors 24 Hours a Day. The lounge will be open to others not holding a Kinnecta Card for 6 Hours a Day from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. They will pay a small hourly fee.



The Theatre will be a place to where we can create our own movies, perform Live plays and other forms of entertainment. Equipment and appropriate software for movie productions will be on hand. The Theater will only play locally created content produced by Contributors from the Community of Lumby.



Contributors with 80 Hours annual time on The Farm will have full access both facilities. They will have access to the Theater free to view movies or watch plays anytime they desire. In conjunction Contributors can be a part of the creative process and learn to create their own movies and plays through classes and workshops.



Anyone else not having 80 Hours on The Farm or a Kinnecta Card will pay a small fee to watch movies and plays. They will also pay for their creative classes if they wish to join as well.


The funds generated from Contributors content will go directly to that Creator. The Land maintenance and operating expenses for the Internet Lounge and Theatre will be paid from The Co-Heart Trust.


— SOLD — The Rams Horn Hotel – 2004 Shuswap Ave – The Big Red Rooster: $1,500,000 — SOLD — 


This Property has been purchased and is undergoing renovations with rumours that a Subway and Starbucks are going to be occupying the space. Regardless of this Fact, we still hold the same idea for the use of such as space as detailed below :




Individuals having contributed 25 Farm Hours per year will have access to all products from the Big Red Rooster available to them at cost. The Rams Horn Hotel will be bought from it’s current owners for $1,500,000 plus another $1,500,000 dedicated to the redesigning of this site.


The Big Red Rooster will be the main center of the Communities relationship network. This site will be used as a grocery style Co-op with produce primarily supplied from The Farm. It will house a generous space where local crafters and Creators Living within a 100 km radius can come display and sell their crafts and creations. To take part they will be contributing 4 Hours of time per month towards the operation of the store.


Everything sold at The Big Red Rooster will be available to anyone not holding a 25 Hour Kinnecta Card for a mark up no greater than 15%. All individuals selling their local products will collectively contribute financially towards the Land maintenance and operation costs of the site. The money from their personal products goes directly to their self/business. 100% of The Farms produce sales coming from this site will go directly into The Co-Heart Trust.


All Vendors and Contributors of The Big Red Rooster will be handed an Unlimited Kinnecta Card. If they are able to contribute 4 hours per month consecutively for a 10 year period they will be provided with an Unlimited Lifetime Kinnecta Card.


Products and stock items we are not able to locally produce, grow or harvest will be sourced from Canada with priority given to British Columbia above all else. A particular limit from the U.S.A will be considered.


Everything available through The Big Red Rooster will be plant based, organic, no-spray, non GMO foods free from corn, canola, soy, wheat and free from sugar, artificial sweeteners and additives.


The building itself and all other buildings owned by The Co-Heart Community will be designed with simplicity. Natural light will be used as much as possible. Interior lighting will be minimal using basic incandescent filament bulbs only.


With the exception of a few particular sites all buildings will be run without WiFi or wireless internet connections, cable or satellite television, cameras or security systems. Each building will be connected with hardwired Land based internet and phone systems. Some places will ask Contributors and visitors to leave all electronics off and away from the sites entirely.


Set on the first floor of The Big Red Rooster there will be a beautiful area for the Children of Contributors to spend their time playing and learning while their Guardians connect through the Co-Heart Community.


The second floor will have 8 apartment rooms incorporated. These apartments will house maintenance People of the Co-Heart Community. Each will contribute on a rotating schedule of 4 Hours a Day, 2 Days per week.


A final third floor will have offices set up for certain Contributors including both, the Community Ethics Council and the Co-Heart Trust Council with space for an individual to operate The Big Red Rooster. There will be a large meeting room on this floor for the Co-Heart Community Councils to gather and meet.


Each will be provided with a house valued up to $750,000 x 5 = $3,750,00 which will be gifted to them in their name after 10 years of contribution, a $30,000 per year income during their 10 year Agreement and Unlimited Lifetime Kinnecta Cards.


Any Person Living in a Co-Heart Community home while they are contributing will be responsible for paying the Land maintenance, hydro and insurance before and after it is signed into their name.


— SOLD — Arbour Park Mall, 1879 Vernon St – Property Purchase: $800,000 — SOLD — 


This Property has been purchased and now has a sign out from declaring an upcoming demolition and construction of what appears to be a Coffee Shop and some other form of outlet. We still hold the same vision and ideas for a similar space as detailed :



Arbour Park Center: 1879 Vernon St. $800,000 purchase price, a $650,000 buy-out for The Dollar-Dollar Store, a $450,000 buy-out for the Pagoda Chinese Restaurant and a $75,000 buy-out for Yuki Sushi; with $125,000 for Lumby’s Community Thrift Store and $1,000,000 going towards renovations.


Arbour Park Center: $3,200,000.


This mall style complex will house a diverse group of Co-Heart Community Operators. We will buy-out the Dollar-Dollar Store, the Pagoda Chinese Food outlet and Yuki Sushi. Each business we buy-out will be renovated and replaced with a Co-Heart Counterpart.


With 30 annual Hours on The Farm Contributors will have access to the “Take it or Leave” it shop. A thrift style setting will be turned into an outlet where People can drop off anything they no longer need or want. Individuals with 30 Hours on The Farm can pick up anything they desire at no cost. People without a Kinnecta Card or less than 30 Hours will pay a small price for items.


Take it or Leave it will contribute 50% of the Land maintenance and operating costs of the site. The Operator of Take it or Leave it will receive $30,000 per year, a house valued up to $500,000 going into their name after 10 years combined with the Unlimited Lifetime Kinnecta Card.


The Community Clothes-Line. A re-cycle, up-cycle clothing store where anyone within 100 km’s wishing to sell their own recycled clothing creations is welcomed. Operators will be given an Unlimited Kinnecta Card and have access to anything they’d like from Take it or Leave it as materials to create their products. Sales from their creations will go directly back to the Creators themselves. Collectively they will contribute 25% towards the Land maintenance and operating costs of the site.


A Contributor with a 35 Hour or more Kinnecta Card will receive 5 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, a jacket and hat of their choosing each year at no cost from The Community Clothes-Line.


The Dollar-Dollar Store will be moved over to 1954 Vernon St. The products will be reduced to essential items only. Items such as toilet paper and stationery products.

Fields – I.D.A, 1954 Vernon St – Bare Essentials – Bare Nature: $700,000



$200,000 will be used for renovations at this site. I.D.A’s Pharmacies next door will be removed and is to be replaced with a Natural Herbal Apothecary Store to be called “Bare Nature”. All kinds of wonderful tinctures, ointments and the likes will be supplied by local Health minded Creators.


One Operator will be asked to operate the Dollar Store, new name: “Bare Essentials”. In exchange they will receive $30,000 a year income, a house valued up to $500,000 and an Unlimited Kinnecta Card. Revenue from here will be used to pay 75% of the Land maintenance and operating costs. The remainder will go into to the Co-Heart Trust.


All local Creators within a 100 km radius wanting to contribute to the Apothecary will be given an Unlimited Kinnecta Card. They will have access to anything available through the Co-Heart Community at cost which they require to help create their products. All money from their sales will go in their own account. Each will contribute 4 Hours per month to the storefront. Together they will contribute 25% towards the Land maintenance and operating costs of the site.


Contributors with 40 Hours at The Farm will have access to any and everything at Bare Essentials (Dollar Store) at cost. Anyone not holding a Kinnecta Card or those with less Hours will pay a small markup of 15%.


At 45 Hours Contributors can go to the Apothecary and buy items at cost. The Creators of this space will markup their price no more than 15% of what they personally want for their Creations.


— SOLD — Wellness Hut – Village Art Gallery: Arbor Park Center — SOLD —




The Wellness Hut, which is going to be at Arbor Park Center, will be a gem in this particular building. Massage, Reiki, Float Tanks and a Herbal Garden will fill the space just as it is Destined for. A number of massage and reiki specialists will be welcomed to practice here. They will be provided with an Unlimited Kinnecta Card and a house valued up to $300,000 x 4 = $1,200,000.


All revenue from The Wellness Hut will go directly to the Operators. Collectively they will contribute 25% towards the Land maintenance and operating costs of the site.


Contributors of The Farm with a 50 Hour Kinnecta Card will be welcome to one monthly 1 hour massage, one monthly reiki, a tarot reading and two 1 hour float tank sessions.


An Art Studio and Gallery will take the place where the Dollar Store once was. Artists of all sorts within a 100 km radius are invited to display their Creations and place them for sale. Each will contribute 4 hours per month at the Gallery and receive an Unlimited Kinnecta Card. 100% of their sales will go directly to the Artists.


Art classes will be made available and Contributors having 55 Hours at The Farm will get 2 hours of art instruction a month for no cost.


Sisters Restaurant – 1920 Vernon St – The Eden Den: $299,000



The building itself will be redesigned into a Yoga and Dance studio at a cost of $250,000. The space will be used for Yoga, Mediation and Dance. A local couple will be given the opportunity to be the Operators here.


The Operators will receive an Unlimited Kinnecta Card and a house valued up to $500,000. Any income they generate will be their income and they will cover the Land and maintenance costs for the site.


It would be fitting to title this studio Eden’s Den. Contributors of The Farm with 60 Hours or more can utilize the studio whenever they desire.


Vacant Land – 1882 Vernon St – Music in The Park: $200,000



Lumby puts on an annual event known as “Music in the Park”. Local bands and singers get together and perform Live music for the Community. We will purchase this Land and turn it into a place dedicated for this event. A covered stage will be built along the tree line with a seating area created and set on a small hill near the roadway. An expense of $50,000 will be used creating the site.


There will be no cost or expense required of anyone. Musicians will be invited to play at this location anytime they desire. Members and visitors of Lumby can enjoy playing and listening here whenever they wish. The Co-Heart Trust will cover the Land maintenance and operating costs.


Tutor Tech – 1969 Vernon St – Platinum Tattoo – Jam Studio: $250,000



This building is currently occupied by The Monashee Arts Council and Tutor Tech. The Monashee Arts Council will be invited to take part in the new Art Gallery located at Arbor Park Center. A local tattoo artist will be given the space at the Art Councils previous spot. Tutor Tech will remain where they are and the building itself will be converted into a two story building.


The second floor will be turned into a Music Studio and local, “radio station”. An Operator will be invited to look after the Studio. Music lessons will be taught and local music will be provided to local Community Member through an online streaming radio station dedicated to playing locally produced music.


Renovations: $250,000.


Both the Tattoo Artist and Music Operator will be provided with an Unlimited Kinnecta Card and a house of their choosing valued up to $500,000 x 2 = $1,000,000.


Contributors with 65 Hours will get 4 Hours of music lessons, recording or radio time each month. 70 Hours of contribution gets a Contributor 8 Hours of tattoo work each year.


1633 Vernon St – The Wood Shop : $327,000



This building will be used as Community wood working shop. $100,000 will be used to upgrade the site. One individual will be invited to operate the site. In return they will be given an Unlimited Kinnecta Card and a house valued up to $500,000. They will cover the Land maintenance. All profits thereafter will be theirs outright.


Contributors with 75 Farm Hours will receive 20 Hours of wood working lessons each year.

Antlers Cold Beer and Wine – 2031 Vernon St – Hogies : $1,200,000


We will purchase the local Cold Beer and Wine Store, offer it to an individual to operate and; with $200,000 for renovations, we will convert the place into a small bar rightfully named : Hogies.


Hogies will be open from 5:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m, 4 Days a week. Closed Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. Seating will be limited to 14 seats and a limit of 2 Drinks per Day per Customer / Contributor will be permitted. All drinks will be handcrafted by the bartender/Operator.


Contributors with 85 Hours on The Farm will receive their drinks for free. Any other individual will pay a small price for their drinks.


The Operator will be responsible for the Land maintenance and operating costs of the site. All revenue generated from the bar will be their income. They will be handed an Unlimited Kinnecta Card. A house valued up towards $500,000 will be provided to them to Live in and placed in their name after 10 years of being an Operator.


Keep in mind, the purpose of this Project is to setup a not for profit Community, a maintenance style venture where we maintain the sites we have while everyone involved receives everything they need to Live a Healthy, Happy and Thriving Life.


Law Office – 2001 Miller St –  Bike and Sports Shop: $270,000



Lumby just created a bike park by the Salmon Trail. We have a Man in town who does bike repairs, buys and sells bikes and he could use a place of his own to operate out of.

A law office building is available for purchase the asking price: $270,000. Having a sports store is a perfect addition to The Co-Heart Community. We will further promote Health and Well-Being.

The operator will be offered similar opportunities as others operating their business in a Co-Heart building. An Unlimited Kinnecta Card, a home to live in up valued up to $500,000 and a building to operate out of free from rent, mortgages and debts. He will be asked to contribute towards the Land maintenance costs.

Renovations for this site :  $150,000.

Empty Lot – 2053  Vernon St – The Local Wash : $265,000



This now vacant lot is all that remains of the long standing Naps Laundromat which burned down in February of 2012. The Co-Heart Community will purchase the site and rebuild the Laundromat to

Whitevale Elementary School – 423 Whitevale Road – Co-Heart Learning & Education Center : $2,500,000



Nestled in the quiet neighborhood of Whitevale and resting on the outskirts of Lumby this School is a highlight of our vision.  Whitevale Elementary closed in 2006 and has been sitting in a defunct state ever since. The Province of British Columbia is prepared to relinquish the site and we will purchase the building site for $2,500,000 with an additional $600,000 allocated for renovations and upgrades.

We will focus on moving back to the basics and providing a learning and education environment that caters to a more natural setting free from wireless technology, computers and screens. The administers and teachers will concentrate their efforts on teaching Children about proper nutrition, growing, storing and preparing food, caring for themselves, those around them and the Land we all Live upon. Teachers will place their efforts on the best interests of the Children and focus on the Students Strengths and Personal Interests.  ‘

Guardians with Children Ages 4 – 12 who have Contributed 100 Hours on The Farm will be able to send the kids to the Co-Heart Learning & Education Center 2 Days per week.

A perfect fit for The Co-Heart Community.

— SOLD — Empty Property – 1788 Vernon – The Blue Star – Silent Hall : $299,000 — SOLD — 

New Owners Cleared the Land and are now asking $1,950,000



This site located on the outskirts of the towns edge will become “The Blue Star”. A Silent Hall where Contributors can come and silently Meditate any Hour of the Day, 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a week.


$250,000 will be spent building the Hall. The first floor will have a Service counter which will be open 4 hours a Day, 3 Days a week and 4 small “speaking rooms”. Contributors may gather together in these rooms to discuss their intentions for a group meditation before heading into the hall.


Closed doors will lead to a hallway bringing you to a stairwell. Once Contributors enter this area they are to remain silent at all times. A dedicated area to remove their footwear with changing rooms will be located at the bottom of the stairwell.


All natural lighting will encompass the entire building. Candles will light the way up the stairs and into the Silent Hall. Real hardwood flooring will flow throughout. Floor to ceiling windows at the eastern edge will give a great view to Sunrises coming over Camels Hump east of Lumby.


The Blue Star will only be accessible to Contributors having 100 annual contribution Hours on The Farm. They will be handed an Unlimited Kinnecta Card bearing a Blue Star on the top right corner.


— SOLD — 2109 Shuswap Ave – The Sovereign Common Law Court of the Land : $1,500,000 — SOLD — 


This Site has been purchased. We have attempted to contact the New Owners seeking to ask them their intentions for the Property with no success thus far. It is our intention to invite our local Community Members to take part in the Co-Heart Project by sharing our ideas for their sites with them. If we are unsuccessful with our vision for one location we will eventually find another.



This site will be purchased for $1,500,000 with $800,000 allocated for renovations. The site will be setup for the Sovereign – Common Law Court and will be free for any AFFIRMED WoMan or Man of the Land to access and use the Services provided by the Court.


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