Terms & Conditions

These website(s) / domain(s); CoHeartCommunity.ca, CoHeartCommunity.com, TheNewNarrative.ca and ThenNewNarrative.com are Privately OWNED by AFFIRMED-FREED Gentle-WoMen & Gentle-Men born & Living of the Land., including the Social Media Accounts : @JanitorofChange on Twitter, @TheNewNarrative.ca on Instagram, The New Narrative on YouTube and Bradley Ulyn Charles Weston © on FaceBook which are Privately OWNED and / or operated by FREED Gentle-WoMen and Gentle-Men who are Living and Settled upon the Land in the CORPORATE Country of “CANADA”, in the CORPORATE Province of “BRITISH COLUMBIA” on Publicly accessible sites FREELY open to other WoMen and Men Living upon the Earth.


The Contents of these Private website(s)/domain(s) and Social Media Accounts are only accessible to WoMen and Men, or individuals Granted access through these Terms and Conditions.


The Contents of this webpage, including the Social Media Accounts : @JanitorofChange on Twitter, @TheNewNarrative.ca on Instagram, The New Narrative on YouTube and Bradley Ulyn Charles Weston © on FaceBook are that of our OWN Private intellectual Property. The Contents herein are that of our OWN Private thoughts, experiences and Knowledge.



By CORPORATE Law ( Sea / Commerce ) and Common-Law ( Land );


including the Fundamental Freedoms of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;


 Everyone has the following fundamental Freedoms :

  • (a) freedom of conscience and religion;
  • (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
  • (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
  • (d) freedom of association.

Through these website(s) / domain(s); CoHeartCommunity.ca, CoHeartCommunity.com, TheNewNarrative.ca and ThenNewNarrative.com, including the Social Media Accounts :  @JanitorofChange on Twitter, @TheNewNarrative.ca on Instagram, The New Narrative on YouTube and Bradley Ulyn Charles Weston © on FaceBook, WE choose to exercise our Natural Legal & LawFul Rights & Freedoms,




Granted by our Rights and Freedoms as FREED Gentle-WoMen and Gentle-Men, WE reserve and exercise our Right to use our website(s) / domain(s); CoHeartCommunity.ca, CoHeartCommunity.com, TheNewNarrative.ca and ThenNewNarrative.com, including the Social Media Accounts : @JanitorofChange on Twitter, @TheNewNarrative.ca on Instagram, The New Narrative on YouTube and Bradley Ulyn Charles Weston © on FaceBook to express ourselves under the Freedom of the Press and other Media of Communication and within our Natural Right & Freedom to do so.


We have the Right to Publicly share, publish and distribute the Contents of our own Private thoughts, experiences and Knowledge on any Social Media forum or platform, in print or online, FREE from persecution or judgement. We are choosing to do so through these Privately OWNED website(s) / domain(s), including the Publicly accessible Social Media Accounts : @JanitorofChange on Twitter, @TheNewNarrative.ca on Instagram, The New Narrative on YouTube and Bradley Ulyn Charles Weston © on FaceBook.


All recordings, videos, and photos taken by ourselves are that of our OWN Private intellectual Property and CopyRighted Material. All recordings, videos, and photos taken by others and shared on this site, including the Social Media Accounts : CopyRighted are credited from openly shared materials.


All Emails, letters and conversations between ourselves and outside third parties form part of our Private Content and, as such, under the One Party Consent Exception of Section 183.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada, Granted our own Consent, We reserve and exercise our Right in Publicly sharing our intellectual Property and Content by publishing and / or distributing all recordings, audio or video, photos, images, letters and email transmissions recorded between ourselves and outside third parties.


Any and all Public SERVANTS such as, but not limited to; government agents, members; school administrators, teachers, union representatives, politicians, mayors, councilors and police; mentioned, NAMED and / or recorded by ourselves, in audio or video, are being Legally and Lawfully shared. WoMen and Men (The Public Body) hold the Right to the FREE discussion of governmental affairs and to gather information about their Public servants.


By accessing these website(s) / domain(s); CoHeartCommunity.ca, CoHeartCommunity.com, TheNewNarrative.ca and ThenNewNarrative.com, including the Social Media Accounts :  @JanitorofChange on Twitter, @TheNewNarrative.ca on Instagram, The New Narrative on YouTube and Bradley Ulyn Charles Weston © on FaceBook, you Agree to be a WoMan or a Man walking upon the Earth,


you inner-stand that you are entering into a Soul binding Contract with the owner(s) of these website(s) / domain(s); CoHeartCommunity.ca, CoHeartCommunity.com, TheNewNarrative.ca and ThenNewNarrative.com, including the Social Media Accounts :  @JanitorofChange on Twitter, @TheNewNarrative.ca on Instagram, The New Narrative on YouTube and Bradley Ulyn Charles Weston © on FaceBook,




you Agree to adhere to the Terms and Conditions as set forth :


Excluding all mainstream corporate news media, a.I (artificial Intelligence) and / or a.I algorithms, employees or affiliates of; television, magazines, newspapers, radio programs, and / or members of the Selected Body; government officials or, more specifically: government members; Public servants, officials such as, but not limited to; school administrators, teachers, union representatives,  politicians, mayors, councilors and police officers; you may access these website(s) / domain(s); CoHeartCommunity.ca, CoHeartCommunity.com, TheNewNarrative.ca and ThenNewNarrative.com, including the Social Media Accounts :  @JanitorofChange on Twitter, @TheNewNarrative.ca on Instagram, The New Narrative on YouTube and Bradley Ulyn Charles Weston © on FaceBook,




You Admit and Agree, you are a WoMan or a Man walking the Earth and you Agree not to Email our Community or its’ Members until you have gone through these website(s) / domain(s) in their Entirety.


Being a WoMan or a Man walking upon Earth, and Agreeing to Honour these Terms and Conditions, WE hereby Grant you FULL access to these website(s) / domain(s), website(s) / domain(s); CoHeartCommunity.ca, CoHeartCommunity.com, TheNewNarrative.ca and ThenNewNarrative.com, including the Social Media Accounts :  @JanitorofChange on Twitter, @TheNewNarrative.ca on Instagram, The New Narrative on YouTube and Bradley Ulyn Charles Weston © on FaceBook,, and give you my absolute full Consent and Permission to first access our website(s) / domain(s); CoHeartCommunity.ca, CoHeartCommunity.com, TheNewNarrative.ca and ThenNewNarrative.com, including the Social Media Accounts :  @JanitorofChange on Twitter, @TheNewNarrative.ca on Instagram, The New Narrative on YouTube and Bradley Ulyn Charles Weston © on FaceBook, from this point forward,




to view, share, publish, distribute, comment, or give your own Personal thoughts and/or opinions regarding the Contents of my website(s), ThenNewNarrative.com and TheNewNarrative.ca, including the Social Media Accounts : @JanitorofChange on Twitter, @TheNewNarrative.ca on Instagram and The New Narrative on YouTube, in their entirety, in whole, or in part, on any Public Social Media platform such as, but not limited to; Private websites, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Parler, MeWe, etc, for Free.


Any mainstream corporate news media, a.I (artificial Intelligence) and/or a.I algorithms, employees or affiliates of; television, news programs, magazines, newspapers, radio programs, and/or members of the Selected Body; government officials or, more specifically, politicians wanting to report, comment, share, publish, copy, distribute any of my own Personal intellectual Content and Properties, including my CORPORATE Legal Name : Bradley Ulyn Charles Weston © in whole, or in part, must first be Granted and receive my explicit Permission in writing and will be required to pay a monetary fee of $250,000.oo CAD upfront,




from this point forward, any mainstream corporate news media, a.I (artificial Intelligence) and/or a.I algorithms, employees or affiliates of; mainstream television, news programs, magazines, newspapers, radio programs, and members of the Selected Body; government officials or, more specifically, government members; Public servants, officials such as, but not limited to, school administrators, teachers, union representatives, politicians, mayors, councilors and police officers; must first be Granted and receive my explicit Permission in writing before proceeding any further. 


Failure to obtain my Consent and Permission or any attempt to censor my intellectual Property and Content is a direct violation of my  Rights and Freedoms as a Man. You do not have my Consent, or Permission to abuse your self imposed powers. If you choose to abuse your self perceived powers of authority you then must Lawfully step down from your position allowing others more responsible and competent to step up and do what is Right;


Any breach of the Terms and Conditions of this Contract by any mainstream corporate news media, a.I (artificial Intelligence) and/or a.I algorithms, “Employees” or affiliates of; mainstream television, new programs, magazines, newspapers, radio programs, and members of the Selected Body; such as government officials / government members, agents or Employees of government; results in you owing * $50,000,000.oo CAD in Cash (Fifty MILLION Dollars) AND $10,000,000.oo in Gold Coin * to the owner of these website(s) domains, ThenNewNarrative.com and TheNewNarrative.ca, including the Social Media Accounts : JanitorofChange on Twitter, @TheNewNarrative.ca on Instagram and The New Narrative on YouTube.  


“If telling the truth marginalizes you, then that is the place to be. After all, if enough people are willing to be marginalized, then before you know it, society have developed a different center. This is the Politics of Truth.”

– E. Matrin Schotz


 * Does not apply to Members of the General Public or AFFIRMED FREED Gentle-WoMen and Gentle-Men born of the Land